‘Stripy’ Intervention
Our installation represents a synthesis of ideas from Amy Stacey Curtis’ Matter drawings and the MacLaren Gadabout Folding walking stick Chair which formed the initial supercomposite. ‘Stripy’ is meant to act as an invitation for social exchange and interaction, performing as a table or a facilitator for pause and conversation within a newly formed space within the doorway threshold, which otherwise becomes a mundane forgotten space overshadowed by the adjoining rooms and activities. We were interested in challenging the traditional idea of a threshold, as a limbo between two spaces, and exploring a way in which we could transform it into a place of pause, social exchange. There would be a symbiotic and cordial relationship between the two elements. The door would not stay ajar without the intervention nor would the intervention achieve its goal without the compressive strength of the doors. Taking inspiration from Japanese bookbinding as a strong yet decorative method of adjoining the cardboard without adhesive, we chose to use a geometric pattern as this allowed enough compressive strength within the main boards to withstand the door’s pressure whilst also adding a sense of craftsmanship.

A Series of Elements RCA Group Project by:
Ella Adiki Nartey, Stephanie Cheung, Mauricio Salgado Arenas, Ning Yan, Yiying Chen